분류 : 검, 안정제
판매가격 가격미정
[별도문의 요망]


Carrageenan is a cell-wall hydrocolloid found in certain species of seaweeds belonging to red algae (class: Rhodophyceae). Carrageenans, extracted from seaweeds harvested throughout the world, have established their position within the food, household, and personal-care industries as uniform gelling, thickening, and texturizing agents of high quality. High-productivity sites are the waters off the coasts of Chile, Mexico, Spain, Philippines, and Japan. After harvesting the seaweed, the Carrageenans are extracted and simultaneously upgraded through the use of various cationic alkalis. After extraction and purification, the Carrageenan is either alcohol precipitated or drum dried. Alcohol precipitation is considered the best method, since less thermal shock occurs, and the indigenous salts are left behind in the alcohol